Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Harvest time!

I can't believe it but July is nearly over. Summer has flown by and with the cold/rainy June we had, the growing season has been short. Still, the plants continue to produce. Picked 7 heads of garlic yesterday. each one grew from a single clove that I got through our CSA. Amazed again at how each plant carries in it, the ability to feed me and to produce additional plants. I find the cycle of life to be fascinating.

And so this begins the time of harvest, when the garden produces more than I can use and I have to start storing things for winter. Seattle has wonderfully mild winters so I can overwinter things like kale but as the tomatoes, garlic, potatoes, blackberries come in, I need to utilize the root cellar and canning to provide in the dark months.

Today's harvest: fennel, second growth broccoli, tomatoes, oh and BLACKBERRIES!

On a whim I made a fennel, broccoli, egg stir fry with no other flavors but a little olive oil, salt, and pepper. Delicious!

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